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Thanks to the local merchants and individuals featured below who support our scholarship program with generous donations!
Mid-Jefferson County Retired School Personnel awards scholarships to graduating seniors from both Nederland and Port Neches-Groves High Schools. The scholarships are made possible from member donations and the overwhelming support of local businesses and organizations (see slide show below). Thanks to the merchants, members, and other individuals who have supported our scholarship program. Click here to view our scholarship recipients.
Mid-Jefferson County Retired School Personnel draws most of its membership from retirees of both Nederland and Port Neches-Groves school districts. However, retirees from other school districts who live in or near the Mid-County area are also welcome. MJCRSP meets the second Mid-Jefferson County Retired School Personnel draws most of its membership from retirees of both Nederland and Port Neches-Groves school districts. However, retirees from other school districts who live in or near the Mid-County area are also welcome. MJCRSP meets the second Tuesday of the month September through May at the Ritter Senior Citizens Center, 914 Boston Avenue, Nederland, Texas. The first meeting of each year is a luncheon in honor of recent retirees. With a membership of 300 or more, MJCRSP members contribute to the communities of Port Neches, Groves, and Nederland in a variety of volunteer activities. They participate in the Children's Book Project of TRTA each year by giving books to every student at one grade level in a school within one of the two school districts. Members are active in district and state committees as well. A membership form is available by clicking here.
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